Sew Content

I'm just sewing out my stress.

Creative Sewlutions August 27, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — quiltytherapy @ 11:18 am
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The last thursday of the month, the quilt shop around the corner from me puts on a free class.  They encourage you to participate in Show and Tell and showcase what projects you are working on. 

I’m looking forward to the new classes in September and seeing new fabric.  I try my best not to buy too much these days.  My stash is quite large I really need to work on utilizing what I have already.  I’ll post tomorrow if there is anything I’m really looking forward to.  Each time I go I get so many more ideas flowing and realize how much work really goes into making quilts.  The women that attend this class have great skills.  Too bad I work full time and can’t spend all day sewing.  Maybe 30 years from now. 

Despite my lack of posts over the last couple of months, I have been quite busy in my sewing room.  Two of three big quilts are done and the last one is far from complete.  There is not enough time in the day.


Shopping Independent Fabric Stores – Project 95 August 19, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — quiltytherapy @ 12:32 pm
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I have a new obssession…shopping online for fabric.  When I say shopping, I should clarify and say browsing or window shopping.  There have been minimal purchases made.

In an earlier post I mentioned that 95% of fabric is bought in chain stores.  I have done my best to resist the coupons that come in my email and support the independents.  The ideas, books, knowledge is well worth the couple of extra dollars.  As for shipping, everyone seems reasonably fair. 

Today I’m showing my support for Project 95.  Do you need a list of good independent shops?  Visit to find quilt stores that have great fabric and good prices. 

Here is a link to the shop right around the corner from my house.  These ladies are the best!!
