Sew Content

I'm just sewing out my stress.

2011 Project Week 2 January 17, 2011

Yes, I am behind, but Week 3 will be out by this Friday.  For these next two blocks, time to go into my stash of tools that are very rarely used.  A couple of years ago I added the Tri-Recs tool to my arsenal.  Challenge of two different triangles that work together.  Last week my points were okay.  After making this block, I know I have lots of work to do to match up points. 

Fabrics cut and ready to go.

That was the easy part of the cutting.  These tools, not so easy to cut around. 

Tri-Recs tools

Triangles Cut and Ready

Took these pieces over to the machine and I thought it looked akward. 

First Attempt

I felt better about them after pressing. 

Not bad

Let’s put these pieces together and see what we get. 

Trimmed and Ready

Here is the completed and trimmed block. 

Week 2 Completely Finished

Luckily, I chose the same fabrics for the Recs triangle and outer squares.  Blends in very well together, can hide the terrible points. If it wasn’t for trimming, this block would not have matched up at all.  The completed block was a pleasant surprise.  I would like to try and make it in something else and see as a whole quilt.


2011 Project Week 1 January 7, 2011

For the first week I took the easy route for triangles.  I chose the Pinwheel Block.  I started with 5″ squares and drew the lines on them to sew. 

I have tried this with other blocks but haven’t gotten around to actually sewing. 

Lining up with the machine.

From there is was pretty easy.  Cut and re-arrange the blocks.  Don’t forget to press, it’s very easy to have lots of bulk in the corners.

After taking back to the machine and almost messing up the layout, I was able to get it finished.  Maybe I shouldn’t be sewing at 1:30 a.m. 

First Block Done

I could have done better lining up the center and points.  Triangles weren’t so scary this way. 

Could be better...

Here are some of the fabrics that you will see over the next few weeks. 

This was all in my stash.


Another Baby Quilt January 2, 2011

A few months ago I wrote about the fabric that I picked up in NYC.  Here is what was inspired.

Colors are black, white and green.

The backing fabric is from the fabric district in NYC. Saw it and fell in love. Designed the quilt while on the train to Coney Island on the 4th of July.

Fabric from the NYC fabric district.

Here’s to hoping this new quilt finds a loving home.


2011 Project December 30, 2010

I have been thinking about where I could take this blog over the next year and still develop myself as a quilter.  I’ve been asking for input from my quilting friends as well.

So here it is…TRIANGLES! 

I am terrified of this shape.

Yes, those three sided objects scare the sewing right out of me.  Look and what I’ve posted on here in the past folks, rectangles, squares, and some cirlces in applique.

So here’s what I’m going to do throughout 2011:

  1. Utilize the triangle rulers that I have to really work at getting better. 
  2. Make one block per week with a primary focus of triangles.
  3. With those blocks, make and auction off the completed quilt for Charity.  Now I just need to pick a color scheme I can stand every week. 

Here are the color scheme I am thinking:

Red, white and black. 

I am researching quilt blocks to use and work on the dreaded triangles.


Delayed Honeymoon December 22, 2010

Hubby and I had quite the hectic spring around our wedding.  Buying a house, moving, and starting new jobs left little time to take a honeymoon.  We thought about Europe in the spring of 2011, but that was out of our reach for now. 

What should we do instead?  Hubby suggested a cruise since neither of us had been on one in the past.  Great book it!  He found a great rate on a weekend that worked with our schedule.  Got the passports ready and we were off. 

Flight to the cruise delayed, but we had time.  Arrive in Miami to cold.  Seriously, people were wrapped in blankets near the cruise ship.  Get in line and start the boarding process.  Something doesn’t seem right.  Hubby notices a couple of people wearing Backstreet Boys shirts.  Hmm, odd, they were popular 10 years ago.    Then it hit us, there were LOTS of women wearing BSB shirts.  What is going on?

After speaking to a woman that had traveled over 3,000 miles by herself for this cruise, we were told it was a special BSB cruise.  This includes four days of being on a ship in the ocean with crazed fans who have traveled from all over the world for a chance encounter with the pop stars.  Impressive clout you have there BSB. 

What did this mean for our trip?  We had lots of things to do without extra people, they had their own events.  We basically did nothing though and it was wonderful.  There were no BSB siting by us. 

However I do have these lovely photos from Key West and Cozumel to share.  Very inspirational.  One of my friends has used a photo for a project that she is working on.

Tile Wall in Key West


Sourthernmost Point


Sunset in Cozumel


Ocean from the back of the boat


What can I make from these photos? 

We got back to Key West in the Spring for a friend’s wedding, can’t wait to see what else I find.


Robert Kaufman – Night and Day 3 December 19, 2010

Where has this fabric been hiding?  I want some of this in my stash.  Thank you Robert Kaufman for this collection.

While I wouldn’t use all of the fabrics together, the color combinations have me thinking about projects they could be used with. 

Check them out here for yourself, Night and Day 3

Here are my favorites to add to my stash. 


Hello December November 30, 2010

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Really December is almost here.  It’s a very busy month around my house, LOTS of birthdays.  My mom, the dogs, best friend, and ME. 

I’ve decided that once again during the month of December to not purchase any new fabric.  I should have almost everything I need for projects in my stash.  There was success earlier this fall and will be repeated. 

Here is my list of items to completed for the month: 

  • Friend’s house-warming quilt
  • Custom order of potholders
  • Hem a few pairs of pants
  • Fix a couple of shirts
  • Complete the top to my Berkeley quilt

Lots to do and get started for 2011. 

Pretty sure I will be going with black, red, and white for the colors of the 2011 Project.  I’m making my list of blocks to start looking at.


A Special Quilt for a Very Special Girl November 2, 2010

My cousin and her husband welcomed to the world their first child over 9 years ago.  As Lexi grew, it became apparent something wasn’t right.  My cousin worked with physical and occupational therapists and Lexi underwent testing. 

Muscular Dystrophy was the diagnosis.  Over the years she has dealt with this disease and it’s negative side effects. 

She has made a huge decision for her own health, have a major surgery to help her. 

I’ve made quilts for plenty of kids through Project Linus.  Since Lexi is being brave and undergoing surgery today, I wanted to make something could provide comfort from 1200 miles away. 

Portion of the front.

She likes neon pink and green along with peace signs.  Circles came to mind when I first contacted my cousin about making the quilt. 

Zoom in on the circles.


I hope this quilt provides warmth and comfort through a scary surgery for a young girl.


Survived My First Craft Show October 18, 2010

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Saturday was the first craft show I had ever been a vendor at.  It was an interesting experience.  Much like Etsy, people like to stop, look, compliment you on your items, and then move on to the next shop.  Thanks for stopping by. 

Overall the show was slow and the only vendors that did well were the re-sellers.  Apparently these customers were more interested in something mass produced instead of something someone actually made. 

Most people noted that they too had made a quilt in their lifetime, they sew, or asked me how long I had been sewing.  You should have seen the looks on their faces when I said 10 years. 

For my first show it was a great learning experience and the push I needed to get my Etsy shop where I want it to be.  Good news considering I have some custom orders to be doing in the next couple of weeks. 


Looking for a Pattern October 6, 2010

During my time in NY the fall foliage inspired me to try something different.  I remember an episode of Simply Quilts on HGTV with Alex Anderson that used small scrap pieces for applique with black netting.  Saw the episode once, recorded it, got deleted for some reason, and NOW…I CAN’T remember or find the program info. 

Does anyone out there know the name of the technique?  It was an Asian lady on the show that day.  She had made very small scrap pieces and used them to create a landscape scene in “nests”.  She then covered the quilt in a black netting to machine quilt. 

I really want to do this with some scraps and using one of the photos I took for inspiration. 

If you remember, have an idea, have used the technique, or could offer me ANY help, please comment.